Winter 2000

Conditions and Challenges

  • The Ethical Challenge of the Twenty-First Century by Alfred Thomas
  • The Moral Voice of Octavio Paz by Noël M. Valis
  • The Tangled History of Secularism by Emmet Kennedy

Fighting Words

  • The Americanization of Conservatism by Barry Alan Shain

Language and Tradition

  • A Return to Sources by E. Christian Kopff
  • Conservative Literary Study by Stephen L. Tanner
  • Literature and the Foundations of the West by Jeffrey Hart
  • The Long Tradition and Social Science by Irving Louis Horowitz

Special Millennium Issue

  • The Conservative Scholar in the Twenty-First Century by George A. Panichas

The Conservative Dilemma

  • How Does the Past Become the Future? by Stephen Tonsor
  • The Conservative Mission and Progressive Ideology by George W. Carey
  • The Scholar as Borrower and Lender of the Truth of Things by Marion Montgomery

Thorny Problems

  • American Foreign Policy in the Twenty-First Century by Anthony Harrigan
  • Taking the Lead in Environmentalism by John R. E. Bliese

Current Issue

  • NATO’s Prophetic Critics

    by Tom Switzer

  • Dune’s Dark Destinies

    by Noah Millman

  • Joseph Conrad Uncensored

    by Christopher Sandford

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