“We propose to publish a journal of controversy…”
—Russell Kirk, “Apology for a New Review”

Editor in Chief: Daniel McCarthy
Managing Editor: Hannah Rowan
Poetry Editor: James Matthew Wilson
Director of Marketing: Jon Elordi
Film & Stage Critic: Noah Millman
Marketing Manager: Gina Arnold Fake
Publisher: John A. Burtka IV

“the principal quarterly of the intellectual right.”
— George H. Nash
“The best medium for expressing considered judgments still is the serious journal. And by serious review we do not mean a dull and humorless journal, but rather a magazine which endeavors to reach and to reflect the minds of men who think of something more than the appetites of the hour.”
Russell Kirk wrote those words in the prospectus for the publication that he and Henry Regnery launched in 1957 as Modern Age: A Conservative Review.
The conflagrations of the early 20th century, and the inadequacy of mere liberalism as a response to them, provoked a revival of creative conservative thought, which found expression in such classic works as Richard Weaver’s Ideas Have Consequences and Kirk’s The Conservative Mind.
What was needed beyond individual books, however, was a place where the different facets of conservatism could be brought together and debated—where the vital work of renewal could continue on a regular basis.
What was needed was a journal of ideas and cultural comment—Modern Age.
In the decades since its founding Modern Age has served as the principal quarterly of the intellectual right.
In this forum, Russell Kirk, Richard Weaver, Frank Meyer, Harry Jaffa, Murray Rothbard, M.E. Bradford, Ludwig von Mises, Willmoore Kendall, and other daring minds have argued their ideas. Its editors have included Eugene Davidson, David S. Collier, George A. Panichas, R. V. Young, and Peter Augustine Lawler.
Today Modern Age is published by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute and is edited, in print and online, by Daniel McCarthy.
Modern Age welcomes submissions and pitches for our website and quarterly print journal. We publish essays, reviews, poetry, and more.
Send all pitches and submissions, except poetry, to our managing editor, Hannah Rowan, at submissions@modernagejournal.com.
We recommend a length of no more than 2,500 words for book reviews or online essays and no more than 4,000 words for essays intended for print. For further guidelines and information, contact us at the address above.
Verse submissions may be sent to our poetry editor, James Matthew Wilson, at fourverseletters@gmail.com. Send up to five poems in a single Word or PDF file. Please include your postal address and a brief cover letter.
If you’re interested in advertising in Modern Age, please contact Publishing Management Associates, Inc., at www.pma-inc.net or 815-398-8569.
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