As conservatism seeks a fresh self-understanding, the role of tradition—myth and religion—must be emphasized, lest state coercion be all we are left with.
Libertarians want us to place an unwarranted faith in judges to protect “unenumerated rights.” This is a utopian recipe for disaster.
When will legal scholars recognize that so-called conservatives have been conserving progressive victories?
It took a polymath of the Western soul to produce Russell Kirk’s masterpiece—and that’s just what Kirk was.
The man who despaired of political solutions had much to say about the foundations of a just political order.
Why Christian Democracy can succeed where other third ways and third parties have failed
To understand the Protestant Reformation, forget the myths and look to the motifs
Is the legacy of the Protestant Reformation a host of churches that seek to defy social evils—or defeat them?
Was it a mistake to award Dylan a Nobel prize?
A timeless (and timely!) reflection on foundational conservative principles from the great Russell Kirk, founding editor of Modern Age
Founded in 1957 by Russell Kirk and Henry Regnery, Modern Age is a journal of conservative thought and a magazine devoted to culture, history, philosophy, and the ideas behind the great currents of modern life. Follow us on X @ModAgeJournal
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