David Hein is a Distinguished Teaching Fellow at the Russell Kirk Center for Cultural Renewal and the author of the forthcoming book Teaching the Virtues (Mecosta House).
A handbook for statesmen confronts an age-old question: can virtue be taught?
Courage, faith, and even peace can be found in the literature of the conflict that shattered Western civilization.
Does an aristocratic ideal like honor have a place in the 21st century? It can, if we understand it anew.
Is Burkean conservatism an intellectual ideal divorced from real life? Not at all. You gain a sense of conservatism when you test its themes in the context of the life of this American general.
To forget the first president is to forget the qualities that made him such an influential figure in American history.
Founded in 1957 by Russell Kirk and Henry Regnery, Modern Age is a journal of conservative thought and a magazine devoted to culture, history, philosophy, and the ideas behind the great currents of modern life. Follow us on X @ModAgeJournal
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