The art of civil disagreement is one that Americans need to master.
Marriage and children are the path to prosperity. Why does our country discourage them?
Gateway to Statesmanship teaches classic lessons for a modern republic.
A handbook for statesmen confronts an age-old question: can virtue be taught?
Garry Wills’ conservatism is as reckless as it is restless.
Assimilation works—too bad our elites prefer a divisive multiculturalism.
Populist, poet, apologist: Chesterton was a man for his time and ours.
Samuel Moyn’s new book explores why liberalism has turned on itself.
The hit film and Catherine Pakaluk’s new book reveal deep truths about motherhood.
Why the controversial German thinker is worth another look.
Founded in 1957 by Russell Kirk and Henry Regnery, Modern Age is a journal of conservative thought and a magazine devoted to culture, history, philosophy, and the ideas behind the great currents of modern life. Follow us on X @ModAgeJournal
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