These poems appear in the Winter 2020 issue of Modern Age. To subscribe now, go here.

Broken Landscape


Around me, even slopes crack suddenly,
their green in ruptured ski runs; rocky breaks
appear, then heal. So did the plains agree
to rise, or mountains fall apart? It takes
a modern mind to read earth’s history.

Aspen Grove


The others hiked ahead; the grove’s now mine,
its lighting tinseled, cool. The forest floor
is blue with lupine, harebell, columbine.
Green music runs, abstractly; cirrus score
the sky. Do I imagine the design?

White Water

                                                —Along the Arkansas

Rough canyon, rougher waters, forced apart
by shoals and fallen boulders, in a field
of moiling, eddying—the maelstrom heart
of doubt—until, downstream, commotions yield
to pools, serene, the apogee of art.