H. L. Mencken may be known as a curmudgeon, but he’s best understood as a conservative.
The Northman and Fat Ham present tragic and comic reinterpretations of the prince of Denmark’s revenge tale.
Viet Thanh Nguyen’s latest is a novel written to be written about
A new adaptation of the Scottish play sets aside supernatural terror for court intrigue
Only laughter can free us from the unforgiving rule of today’s judge-penitent.
Mark Twain warned us in 1889 about the elites who shape our foreign policy today.
Hermione Lee’s 900-page biography of Tom Stoppard is a complete treatment of the man and his work
Courage, faith, and even peace can be found in the literature of the conflict that shattered Western civilization.
Founded in 1957 by Russell Kirk and Henry Regnery, Modern Age is a journal of conservative thought and a magazine devoted to culture, history, philosophy, and the ideas behind the great currents of modern life. Follow us on X @ModAgeJournal
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