The general will is often a ploy to enshrine rule by “experts.”
He’s known for his swashbuckling tales but offers much more.
C. S. Lewis and Ray Bradbury elevated the most imaginative of genres.
Conservatives should resist both reaction to and accommodation of the left.
Unlike modernism, it sees man as more than an isolated individual.
An essay from 1969 shows how far our culture has gone astray.
He grasps Scripture’s politics and symbolism but misses its redemptive message.
Liberals charge enemies with a high crime they can no longer define.
From 1988: How the United States found its “mission” to make the world safe for democracy.
His Sixties nostalgia is misplaced, on draft-dodging and much else.
Founded in 1957 by Russell Kirk and Henry Regnery, Modern Age is a journal of conservative thought and a magazine devoted to culture, history, philosophy, and the ideas behind the great currents of modern life. Follow us on X @ModAgeJournal
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