Winter 1993


  • An Ordinary Parochial School–in the 1920s by Richard B. Hovey
  • Capitalism and the Moral Basis of Social Order by Russell Kirk
  • Enlightenment to Ideology by Gerhart Niemeyer
  • Hegel and Classical Philosophy by Richard J. Bishirjian
  • Memorabilia by Louise Dauner
  • Prague Then and Now by Bradley C.S. Watson
  • Public Schools and the Gnostic Impulse by G. Daniel Harden
  • Ruskin’s Unto This Last (1862) by John W. Osborne
  • Symbolic Cymbal Math by Douglas Gilbert
  • The Consistency of Irving Babbitt by Milton Hindus

Reviews and Comments

  • A History of Freedom: Fifty Years Too Late by Ewa M. Thompson
  • A Pre-Presidential Life by Theodore Pappas
  • Correspondence by Ernest Van Den Haag and Tibor R. Machan
  • Krishna or Christ? by Owen A. Jones
  • Notes on Contributors by Editors
  • Oakeshott as Moralist by Paul Gottfried
  • Questioning the Unquestionable by Merrill Matthews, Jr.

Current Issue

  • NATO’s Prophetic Critics

    by Tom Switzer

  • Dune’s Dark Destinies

    by Noah Millman

  • Joseph Conrad Uncensored

    by Christopher Sandford

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