Winter 1984

  • In Continuity by George A. Panichas
  • The Fourth Editorship by Henry Regnery

Reviews and Comments

  • A Note on Solidarnosc by Andre Kuczewski
  • Bad News for Modern Man? by Wilfred M. McClay
  • Between History and Literature by L.R. Leavis
  • Human Transcendence by Paul Salstrom
  • Index to Volume 27 by Editors
  • Notes on Contributors by Editors
  • Pearl Harbor and Hard Line Revisionism by Frank P. Mintz
  • Seekers by George McKenna
  • Some Comments on Stanley L. Jaki’s Science and Creation by Thomas Molnar
  • The Decline of an Absolute Mind by Larry Williams
  • The Incomplete Anti-Federalist by Michael Bordelon
  • The Twenties Revisited by Francis Russell
  • Warmth and Detachment by Philip F. Lawler
  • Young Radicals by Aileen S. Kraditor

The State of Life and Letters in America

  • Critics of Hegel in America by Paul Gottfried
  • Dialectical Methodologies in the American Academy by Ewa M. Thompson
  • Emerson as Alchemist by Marion Montgomery
  • Saul Bellow and the American Intellectual Community by Mark Christhilf
  • Survivors by Robert Drake

Current Issue

  • NATO’s Prophetic Critics

    by Tom Switzer

  • Dune’s Dark Destinies

    by Noah Millman

  • Joseph Conrad Uncensored

    by Christopher Sandford

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