Winter 1968

  • $12000-A-Year Man of the Unemployment Line in Washington by Burton H. Wolfe
  • Currents and Crosscurrents in Soviet Literature by Ernest J. Simmons
  • International Transfer of Technology by Daniel L. Spencer
  • Looking down Our Noses by Leo R. Ward
  • Newman and the Origins of a “High Church? Left by Harold L. Weatherby
  • Novel and Anti-Novel by Thomas Molnar
  • On Image Making by Editors
  • The Case for a Constitutional Convention by Mario Pei


  • Disraeli and Modern Conservatism by Klaus Epstein


  • A Man of Principle by Jere Real
  • A Memoir of Malebolge by Eugene Davidson
  • Notes on Contributors by Editors
  • Politics and Literature by George A. Panichas
  • Prelude to Pearl Harbor by Henry M. Adams
  • The Adamant Adversary by Paul K.T. Sih
  • The Breaking of the Seals by J. M. Lalley
  • The Joys of Joyceana by Melvin J. Friedman
  • The Lonely Liberal by Bernard W. Sheehan
  • The New Benign Despotism by Arthur Kemp
  • The Powers That Were by James McClellan
  • What Manner of Man? by Elizabeth Churchill Brown

Current Issue

  • Virtue and the Patriot President

    by F. H. Buckley

  • The Nicene Myth

    by Philip Jenkins

  • So You Want to Be Joan Didion . . .

    by Hannah Rowan

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