Summer–Fall 1987

Confused Alarms of Struggle and Flight

  • Civic Virtue and the Gods by James F. Pontuso and Mark J. Rozell
  • Strauss and Voegelin on Machiavelli and Modernity by Glenn N. Schram
  • T. S. Eliot and the Crisis of the Modern by James W. Tuttleton
  • The Cry Against Nineveh by Russell Nieli
  • The Father of Totalitarian Democracy by Stephen Tonsor

In Search of Definitions

  • Crisis by Thomas Molnar
  • Modernity as Gnosis by James Patrick
  • Obdurate Adversaries of Modernity by Russell Kirk
  • The Primacy of Politics in the Understanding of “Modernity” by Dante Germino

Remembrance of Things Past

  • Courage and Modernity by Gilmer W. Blackburn
  • In Sight of Crisis by Frank Mocha
  • Reflections of a Political Scientist by Rene Williamson
  • The Acceleration of Modern History by Anthony Harrigan
  • The Great Books by Frederick D. Wilhelmsen
  • What Were You Doing When You Heard the News? by Robert Drake

The Contemplation of Order

  • A Christian Sheen on a Secular World by Gerhart Niemeyer
  • Historicism and its Critics by Claes G. Ryn
  • Meditations in an Old Barn by Frederick Glaysher
  • Notes on Contributors by Editors
  • Reason, Unreason, and the Conservative by Mark C. Henrie
  • Vertigo and Genuflection by Jerome A. Miller

Thirtieth Anniversary Issue Essays on the Crisis of Modernity

  • The Crisis of Modernity by George A. Panichas
  • Thirty Years in Retrospect by Henry Regnery

Current Issue

  • NATO’s Prophetic Critics

    by Tom Switzer

  • Dune’s Dark Destinies

    by Noah Millman

  • Joseph Conrad Uncensored

    by Christopher Sandford

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