Summer 1990

Christianity in Sight of the Third Millennium: A Symposium

  • Catholic and Evangelical by James Hitchcock
  • Christianity and the Second Religiosity by Stephen Tonsor
  • Christianity, in a Time-Bound Perspective by Gerhart Niemeyer
  • Civilization without Religion? by Russell Kirk
  • Foreword by George A. Panichas
  • Notes on Contributors by Editors
  • Reflections on Hans Kuing’s Theology for the Third Millennium by Byron C. Lambert
  • Regret and Promise by John Lukacs
  • Renewing Christianity’s Link to the Past by Ronald Nash
  • Science and the Future of Religion by Stanley L. Jaki
  • The Church at Century’s End by Thomas Molnar
  • The Revolution That Is Christendom by James V. Schall
  • The Shape of the Church in the Third Millennium by Alexander F. C. Webster
  • Two Churches by Anne Husted Burleigh
  • What Was Religion by Jude P. Dougherty
  • Will Christianity Outlive Its Critics? by Carl F. H. Henry

Current Issue

  • Virtue and the Patriot President

    by F. H. Buckley

  • The Nicene Myth

    by Philip Jenkins

  • So You Want to Be Joan Didion . . .

    by Hannah Rowan

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