Summer 1981

  • A Case of Continuing Encroachments by C. P. Ives
  • Chaining the Court to the Constitution by Randall R. Rader
  • Educating the Children of the “Me” Generation by Stephen Tonsor
  • Judicial Verbicide by Sam J. Ervin, Jr.
  • On Economic Justice by E.C. Pasour, Jr.
  • On Rhetoric and Wisdom by Ralph T. Eubanks
  • Teach Me English by Reney Myers
  • Thomas Jefferson and the American “Provincial” Mind by J. David Hoeveler, Jr.


  • A Neglected Prophet by Stephen Gurney
  • Austrian Views by Murray N. Rothbard
  • Beyond Philosophy? by Hugh Mercer Curtler
  • Convergences by John Russell
  • Game Cock of the South by J. W. Cooke
  • Misinterpreting Burke by Peter J. Stanlis
  • Notes on Contributors by Editors
  • Psychologists and Mythologues by Thomas Molnar
  • Rejoinder to McDonald by Paul Gottfried
  • Socialist Blues by George McKenna
  • The Great (Communist) Camouflage by Anthony Kerrigan
  • The Humanist as Ghost? by Richard B. Hovey
  • The Pleasures of Pragmatism by J. Brooks Colburn
  • The Rebel’s Creed by Philip F. Lawler
  • Unleashing Free Enterprise by William H. Peterson
  • Wilder and Wilder by Edward E. Ericson, Jr.

Current Issue

  • NATO’s Prophetic Critics

    by Tom Switzer

  • Dune’s Dark Destinies

    by Noah Millman

  • Joseph Conrad Uncensored

    by Christopher Sandford

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