Summer 1973

  • Advocacy Journalism by Peter B. Clark
  • Are College Professors Obsolete? by Samuel M. Thompson
  • Edmund Burke as Christian Activist by James E. McGoldrick
  • Freedom of the Press and National Security by John Chamberlain
  • Nationalism Among the Western Peoples by Rene Albrecht-Carrie
  • The Garden by Nora Lehnhoff
  • Voegelin Read Anew by Ellis Sandoz


  • A Life in the Shadows by Gabriel Gersh
  • Blight in the Olive Grove by Henry Regnery
  • From Sword to Sceptre by Brenton H. Smith
  • Gynocentric Evolution by Nathaniel Weyl
  • Newman’s Ambiguity by M. E. Bradford
  • No Surrender to Caesar! by Haven Bradford Gow
  • Notes on Contributors by Nathaniel Weyl
  • The Creative Questioner by George A. Panichas
  • The Decadent Barbarian by Gabriel Gersh
  • The Decisive Element by Thomas H. Etzold
  • The Lost Leader by P. William Filby
  • The Metaphysical Marx by Thomas Molnar
  • The Rescue of Humanism by Hugh Mercer Curtler
  • The Search for Sovereignty by C. P. Ives
  • The Shape of Man to Come? by Joseph P. Boyle
  • When the Bough Bends by Joseph P. Boyle

Current Issue

  • NATO’s Prophetic Critics

    by Tom Switzer

  • Dune’s Dark Destinies

    by Noah Millman

  • Joseph Conrad Uncensored

    by Christopher Sandford

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