Summer 1958

  • Healthy Reactions by Editors
  • The Death and Judgment of Giovanni Papini by Jose Maria Gironella
  • The True Welfare by August Heckscher
  • This So-Called Modern Age by Anthony Lejeune


  • The Past and Future of Western Thought by José Ortega y Gasset

A Symposium on Otto von Habsburg

  • A Pakistani Looks at Democracy by Freeland K. Abbott
  • A Voluntary for Dr. Johnson by Edward Case
  • Australia’s Muffled Crisis by James Mcauley
  • Bait-Worm by John Moffitt
  • On Camus and Capital Punishment by Thomas Molnar
  • Otto von Habsburg and the Future of Europe by Frederick D. Wilhelmsen
  • Sin Arrimo y con Arrimo by John Frederick Nims
  • Some Neglected Aspects of the “Minorities” Problem by George A. Lundberg
  • The Divine Right of Minorities by Otto von Habsburg

Modern Letters and Arts

  • A Poet of Re-Attachment by Galway Kinnell
  • Ballade Des Pendus by Donald C. Yelton
  • Burke’s Early Genius by Thomas I. Cook
  • Correspondence by Dr. Albert Norman, Brooke Walker, and A Reader
  • Notes on Contributors by Editors
  • Ortega Dead and Living by Curtis Cate


  • He Was Old by Caroline Maddox Tonsor
  • The Light in the Window by Margaret Coit

Current Issue

  • NATO’s Prophetic Critics

    by Tom Switzer

  • Dune’s Dark Destinies

    by Noah Millman

  • Joseph Conrad Uncensored

    by Christopher Sandford

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