Summer 1957

  • A Dialogue with La Mettrie by John Logan
  • History, Toynbee, and the Modern Mind by Frederick D. Wilhelmsen
  • Seascape Remembered by Henry Rago
  • Three Poems from Delta Return by Charles G. Bell
  • Titoism by Slobodan M. Draskovich


  • Spicatto by Galway Kinnell

Modern Letters

  • Aron’s L’Opium Des Intellectuels by Rudolf Allers
  • Books on the Schools by William McCann
  • Immortal Mr. Dooley by Francis Russell
  • Niebuhr’s The Self and the Dramas of History by Ludwig Freund
  • Notes on Contributors by Editors
  • The Great Books by Geoffrey Wagner
  • The Treason of the Clerks by Russell Kirk
  • What Modern Age Needs by Editors

Notes from Abroad

  • Europe and German Unity by Béla Menczer
  • Recuperating Spain by Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn
  • Three Words on America by J. M. Reid

The Achievement of Ortega y Gasset

  • Editor’s Note by Editors
  • Jose Ortega y Gasset by Julian Marias
  • Morbid Democracy by Jose Ortega Y Gasset and Anthony Kerrigan
  • Pedagogy and Anachronism by Jose Ortega Y Gasset and Anthony Kerrigan

Current Issue

  • NATO’s Prophetic Critics

    by Tom Switzer

  • Dune’s Dark Destinies

    by Noah Millman

  • Joseph Conrad Uncensored

    by Christopher Sandford

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