Spring 1997


Book Reviews

  • A Steady Presence by Joseph M. Canfield
  • Judge-Made Tyranny by John M. Vella
  • Lords of Intellect–and Chaos by Marion Montgomery
  • Millennial America by Kevin R. C. Gutzman
  • The New Mann by Philip Brantingham


  • Beyond the Pale A Commentary by Patrick J. Walsh
  • The Migrants by Louise Dauner
  • Thoughts on Autodidacticism A Commentary by John W. Osborne


  • Eric Voegelin, Philosopher of Consciousness by Wayne Allen
  • Vivas Revisited by Hugh Mercer Curtler

Current Issue

  • NATO’s Prophetic Critics

    by Tom Switzer

  • Dune’s Dark Destinies

    by Noah Millman

  • Joseph Conrad Uncensored

    by Christopher Sandford

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