Spring 1978

  • Eric Voegelin and American Conservative Thought by John P. East
  • Flannery O’Connor, Eric Voegelin, and the Question That Lies Between Them by Marion Montgomery
  • Going to a Rural School, 1900-1906 by Leo R. Ward
  • Karl Popper by David Levy
  • Marx, Hegel, and “The Philosophy of Right” by Paul Gottfried
  • Myth, Fact, and History by Harold L. Weatherby
  • The Contemporary Conservative Intellectual Movement by George H. Nash
  • The End of the Humanities by Geoffrey Wagner
  • The Wiles of Satan by Arthur Shenfield


  • A Second-Hand Witness by John Russell
  • Academic Suicide by Calvin Lyons
  • An Honoring Equivalent by George A. Panichas
  • Atomies and Monoliths by Jan Marejko
  • Freedom and Contract by Svetozar Pejovich
  • La Literature Engagee by John Russell
  • Notes on Contributors by Editors
  • Out in the Keynesian Cold by Paul Craig Roberts
  • Power Tends to Corrupt . . . by Donald J. Devine
  • Proximate Occasions by David Levy
  • The Remaking of Reality by Jay Sullivan

Current Issue

  • NATO’s Prophetic Critics

    by Tom Switzer

  • Dune’s Dark Destinies

    by Noah Millman

  • Joseph Conrad Uncensored

    by Christopher Sandford

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