Spring 1959


  • Mr. Ronda De Sola by Editors
  • Robert J. Needles M.D. by Editors

Humane Letters

  • Can Literature Corrupt? by Albert Fowler
  • Dryden’s Medal and the Baroque in Politics and Arts by Nicholas Joost
  • Inside-Dopestered Critics by Kelsie B. Harder
  • The Bear Paw (Story) by Marion Montgomery
  • The Bracelet (Story) by Peter Crumpet
  • The Free World of Joyce Cary by Edward Case
  • The Recovery of Humane Letters by Editors
  • Theseus Grown Old by Mary Elizabeth Osborn

Mrs. Robert W. Orrell

  • News and Notes by Editors
  • Notes on Contributors by Editors

Notes from Abroad

  • The Argentine Revisited by M.A. Thurn
  • The Baroque Spirit and the Decline of France by James King

Recent Books

  • Choose You This Day by Basil A. Smith
  • Inhibition and Innocence by Jack Jones
  • Rabelais by William McCann
  • The Ballad of Aloysius Gonzaga by John Logan
  • The Faith As It Was Given Them by the Fathers by Robert Y. Drake
  • To Live with Older Brothers by Joseph Joel Keith

The Achievement of Eric Voegelin

  • Blues in Chicago by John Reece Dring
  • Israel and Revelation by Frederick D. Wilhelmsen
  • Plato and Aristotle by Peter Stanlis
  • The World of the Polis by Peter Stanlis

Current Issue

  • NATO’s Prophetic Critics

    by Tom Switzer

  • Dune’s Dark Destinies

    by Noah Millman

  • Joseph Conrad Uncensored

    by Christopher Sandford

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