Fall 2002


  • Indestructible Islam by Jude P. Dougherty
  • Modernity, the ” City of Pigs” by Wayne Allen
  • Original Sin in the Later Auden by Cicero Bruce
  • P.D. James and the Mystery of Iniquity by Ralph C. Wood
  • Scandals in the Church an Editorial by George A. Panichas
  • Stefan Zweig by Mordecai Roshwald
  • Taking the Cure by Philip Brantingham
  • Vocationalism and the Plight of the Humanities by Hugh Mercer Curtler

Book Reviews

  • An Epic Undertaking by Carl Guldager
  • You Are the Music While the Music Lasts by Richard K. Cross


  • The Metaphysical Club by Ted V. McAllister and Thomas Short
  • The Seafarer to His Nephew by Lawrence Dugan

Current Issue

  • NATO’s Prophetic Critics

    by Tom Switzer

  • Dune’s Dark Destinies

    by Noah Millman

  • Joseph Conrad Uncensored

    by Christopher Sandford

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