Can the demands of freedom and order, markets and regulation, profit and virtue be met by reinvigorated state power? Or should we be content to live with unresolved tensions?
Conservative Christianity has become increasingly identified with American nationalism, but it wasn’t always this way. What changed?
Once upon a time, for-profit trading firms like Britain’s East India Co. wielded sovereign powers over war, peace, and governance, facilitating imperial expansion. Are we seeing something similar today?
The word “authoritarian” is thrown around a lot, more often for melodramatic reasons than truly philosophical ones.
This is no longer your father’s American conservatism. Who gets to define it in 2021?
Can our written Constitution endure without the attributes of character that once defined both citizenry and republic?
The idea of the “West” virtually vanished in American foreign policy post-9/11. One author says it’s time to bring it back.
What kind of economy do we want? Reforms are needed, but whose interests will be served? A new book throws down the gauntlet.
Christopher Beha’s latest novel follows the trajectory of one New York family’s failures and how the irrational undermines even the best and brightest.
Rod Dreher, bestselling author of “The Benedict Option,” is back with an even more radical analysis of our culture. Is it prescient or alarmist?
Founded in 1957 by Russell Kirk and Henry Regnery, Modern Age is a journal of conservative thought and a magazine devoted to culture, history, philosophy, and the ideas behind the great currents of modern life. Follow us on X @ModAgeJournal
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