I thought tobacco’d be our biggest seller,
But peanut’s doing well, the women like it.
Black is popular in Indiana;
Car salesmen like it too, it goes with suits.

Oh, that? I’m in the airport in Chicago.
I was at Macy’s downtown; they want the line—
They almost bought the pair right off my feet!

Hang on, I’m putting you on speaker . . . good?

Okay, I’ll put you down for all three colors.
You only want B widths in 10 and 16?
I’ll text my son to check the inventory—

Oh, yeah, just since last month, he’s learning fast—
Containers ship with 2400 pairs;
I usually overorder D’s and E’s.

Old Ed? Oh, sure, he was a EEE—
He had a bit of a bunion problem, too.
Bad knees, bad hips, about three hundred fifty…
Of course, he’s 69 or 70.
He swore by these and said that they were perfect—
The second time he wore them, not the first.

Stay on the phone, we’ll start the paperwork.
Now let me find that form—I need my glasses.
Steel toe, ceramic, and the natural?

Yes, natural leather. 

No, not cow but steer—

No one kills cows for work boots, they kill steers. 
Cows make milk and cheese. And babies, too.
Why would you kill your source of inventory?

My son will send the contract in the morning.